Taketina Australia

TaKeTiNa is

TaKeTiNa is

TaKeTiNa is one of the most efficient learning methods available today. It is a process for activating human and musical potential through rhythm, and a path in which musical learning always goes hand in hand with personal development.

TaKeTiNa is pure rhythm and meditation, a profoundly transformational and unique process. It requires no musical experience and is an extremely playful and joyous way of entering into the archetypal foundations of rhythms that exist in all music. Complex poly-rhythms and cross-rhythms form the basis of the process as it utilizes the body by stepping, clapping and singing to generate a complex and rich rhythmic choir which leads participants into states of relaxation, inner presence, and awareness. The process presents opportunities for fun, spontaneity, self-observation, musical expression, reflection and time to rest.

About the principles of TaKeTiNa

In the realm of music, TaKeTiNa can help you to:

  • Stay in the “groove”and “flow”
  • Develop profound rhythmic orientation
  • Understand universal rhythmic building blocks.
  • Develop improvisatory and compositional abilities
  • Increase their competence on drums and percussion instruments

In daily life, TaKeTiNa can help you to:

  • Enter a deep state of relaxation
  • Develop presence and a state of inner silence
  • Stay focused for exceptionally long periods
  • Work creatively and effectively with chaotic phases
  • Lessen your anxiety about mistakes and thus, help you make fewer mistakes
  • Enter states of effortlessness and simultaneous perception

Please note:

TaKeTiNa is a worldwide registered trademark and can only be led by certified and registered TaKeTiNa teachers. See the TaKeTiNa teachers page to find a certified teacher in your area.

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