Taketina Australia

Teacher Training Australasia

 TaKeTiNa Teacher Training – 
with Master teacher Tania Bosak  

TaKeTiNa Teacher trainings are conducted worldwide by the founder of TaKeTiNa Reinhard Flatischler, and his teaching team. Contact the pulse rhythm office here for further trainings in Australia as they are announced. Email activerhythmm@gmail.com

A New Generation of Leaders in Rhythm, Music, and Meditation

The format of the training is offered as six x 2-week intensive sets over 2.5 years, where participants gather and learn to integrate musical, educational and therapeutic skills and knowledge. Certified TaKeTiNa teachers can use those skills both as TaKeTiNa teachers and in their related fields.

There are currently no training dates scheduled for Australia at this time. Reinhard is running teacher training courses in English, in Vienna. See the official site for more details. www.taketina.com

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