Taketina Australia

Lila Meleisea


Lila Meleisea

Location: St Helens, Tasmania
Mobile: 0477 436 700
Postal address: PO BOX 119, Scamander, TAS. 7215

Lila lives on the stunning north-east coast of Tasmania with her family and works within her local community as a teacher, DRUMBEAT facilitator and director of the ‘Life in Rhythm’ Project.  Over the last 20 years she has travelled extensively working as musician and artist, and holds a Bachelor on both Music and Education. One of Lila’s favourite pastimes is to cook and host big dinner parties for friends and family.  She practices gratitude on a daily basis, and keeps sane through staying fit and connected with nature. Living and learning through TaKeTiNa has profoundly influenced Lila’s way of being, inspiring her to ride each wave of Life with as little resistance as possible, grace, courage, and a whole lot of compassion.