Taketina Australia

Paula Novotna


Paula Novotna

Location: Blue Mountains
Website: www.paulainstoryland.com
Email: info@paulainstoryland.com

Honeycomb, birds’ flight, flower’s unfolding; Rhythm is nature. Paula shares her passion for inner and outer evolution through a deepening wonder of nature, and natural intelligence in all its forms. She is and has been on a path of inner evolution for over 20 years, a lives in the Blue Mountains where she is dedicated to nurturing the Sacred Earth sanctuary that is home with mindfulness, sacred connections, and permaculture gardening. TaKeTiNa allows her to connect to ever-enriching creativity, vulnerability and presence. Paula is a social justice lawyer, a playback actor, storyteller and a keen gardener. If you are interested in TaKeTiNa workshops in the greater Sydney and Blue Mountains area, come and visit: www.paulainstoryland.com or email info@paulainstoryland.com.